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Humanity's Wake Up Call

Updated: Dec 23, 2024

planet earth as seen from space

Whenever I have times in my life that are extreme, unusual or notable, they always seem to be turning points in my personal growth and evolution as a human being. I think this is a time that qualifies as such for humanity.

I humbly offer you my insights, understandings, points of view and sometimes even direct knowing to make sense of, make peace with or take action for, this seeming precipice and transition that humanity is faced with, brought to a head by the coronavirus pandemic.

In this and future blog posts I’ll cover topics far and wide like politics, health, relationships, work, money, spirituality, climate crisis, destiny (individual and humanity’s) and much more. Please feel free to engage in respectful comments and conversations.

I’d like to start with a quote from one of my heroes, Cultural Historian, Thomas Berry:

"The great work of our time…is to carry out the transition from the current period where humans are a devastating presence on the earth to one where the human presence is mutually beneficial to the planet and the entire community of life – a mutually enhancing human/earth relationship. To do this we need to undergo, at both an individual and collective level, a fundamental transformation – a virtual reinvention of what we consider a human being to be.

I believe that we are in the midst of that Great Work. A transition from the old to the new, from the unconscious to the conscious, from a world that worked for some to a world that works for everyone. I want to offer ways, methods and a new perspective for easing us as individuals and societies in moving through this transition to the mystery of what’s next, in the most intentional way possible. As a spiritual seeker for all my adult life, and as a Naturopathic Physician working with thousands of patients over 30 years, I am owning that I may have something to offer that could be of assistance to others. I am responding to my call, to my destiny.

We are Not Victims

This coronavirus is not something to fight against. The war metaphor is inappropriate and puts humanity into an infantilized or victimized state of being. No. The viral pandemic is a gift. No government or drug is going to 'save' us. It’s showing us all the vulnerabilities and disfunctionality of our governments, our social safety nets, our medical system, our economic system, agriculture system, and corporate industries. It’s pushing and challenging us to face our fears, our addictions, hopelessness and more. It’s also showing us the beauty, resilience, creativity, connectivity, compassion, and collaboration of us as humans. It’s all there. All for us to illuminate with an empowered, creative perspective. I think it’s a time of looking at all the polarities, all the paradoxes, and uncertainties of what it is to be human and what we've created. We are being called to see clearly what the systems and structures have become and to transform them with the power of our Consciousness.

Amid boredom or loneliness, whiny children, anxiety about finances, the joy of a simpler life, and the myriad of ways each of us is uniquely experiencing this time we’re in, there is a way through. If we embrace the perspective that all of what's happening is perfect, that this is all for our learning and evolution as a human species and that we truly are all in this together, we can participate in life in a whole new way. We may even be headed for more difficult times, so in no way am I minimizing the suffering we may be experiencing or may in the future but that with an altered perspective, humanity can evolve. Evolution is happening through us.

Waking Up with Intention

I want to assist by offering some distinctions from a new operating system I learned 15 years ago combined with a synthesis of personal and spiritual work I’ve engaged with over the years. It’s easy to learn and once you get certain distinctions for yourself, what's possible is your thinking becomes clear and your body relaxes. I experience peace way down deep yet have emotional ups and downs and overwhelm occurring at times on the surface. It's possible to hold a space for polarities and uncertainties at the very same time which stretches and strengthens you.

The pandemic is providing us with the opportunity for honest self-reflection and deep inner work. For example, if we can identify and articulate how our thinking has elements of what we attack in others, we begin to experience our oneness, our commonality, and compassion rather than blame and hate; us vs them. It doesn't mean that we drip into bliss and inaction but rather come from the most powerful space there is: Consciousness. With a deepening of our awareness of ourselves AS Consciousness, we are guided and intuited to act in the way we see appropriate. When we can unveil the unconsciousness, the good news is we can alter it. When we can unearth all the darkness, we free ourselves to participate more fully in this transformation. We cannot go back to life like it was. That 'normal' was not working for most people and certainly not the planet.

So, with a broader perspective, one that acknowledges how we got here collectively, own what’s personal and open our minds and hearts to the mystery that may be about to occur, we can join in solidarity, in community and create the kind of world that works, a world that we can speak into existence. The old must come to the surface and burn itself out for the new to emerge and for humanity to wake up.

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