Homeopathy in Wimberley
Serving Austin and the Hill Country
Virtual Apppointments Available
What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of energetic medicine that involves using highly diluted and specially prepared substances to create “remedies” that enhance and catalyze the body’s natural ability to heal.
Homeopathy is a complete and holistic system of healing.
Certain roots of homeopathic principles can be noted in the classical teachings of Hippocrates and later in the work of Paracelsus. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician of the late 18th century, founded the formal system of practice used today. Homeopathy spread quickly in the 19th century but was largely eclipsed in the 20th, especially in the US, by the dominance of a technological and mechanistic approach to illness establishing the standard medical system we have today.

1. Law of Similars
Homeopathy is based on the principle that you can treat like with like: a substance that causes symptoms when taken in larger doses can be used in small amounts to treat those same symptoms. For example, drinking too much coffee can cause insomnia and a mental and physical restlessness. However, when prepared as a homeopathic remedy it can treat people with insomnia and restlessness.
Principles of Homeopathy
2. Totality of Symptoms
The homeopathic approach takes into account all of a person’s symptoms and views them as part of a whole. We do not look at only isolated symptoms or administer one-size-fits-all medications. Homeopaths do not diagnose or treat disease per se. Homeopathic ‘remedies’ are chosen that best correspond to the person’s unique set of symptoms from a holistic perspective. Homeopathic practitioners are skilled in case taking and in their knowledge of the remedies.
3. Minimum Dose
Homeopathic medicines, called ‘remedies’, are prepared by specialty pharmacies utilizing a highly refined process of dilution and succussion (a specific form of vigorous shaking). These micro-dilutions make the original substance highly efficacious and non-toxic.
What Is Constitutional Homeopathy?
Your constitution is something you were born with. However, as you live life, there are often layers of trauma, illness, or psychological habits that affect your constitution. We store these layers as energetic patterns in our bodies. Homeopathy is a powerful tool for resolving those patterns.
A constitutional Homeopathic remedy considers your whole being through a detailed and thorough questioning during our 3-hour visit. I assess your body from head to toe, I ask you about your physical history and family history. I look at aspects like your body build and hair color. I also ask you to tell me your life story which reveals your personality, fears, habits, aspirations, challenges, and joys. So in other words I take into consideration the whole of who you are and get to know you as a fellow human being.
I put this all together and match it with your individualized Homeopathic constitutional remedy. The remedy acts as a catalyst for healing on all levels of being. This is where an experienced Homeopath can work with you to unwind those layers, getting to the uninhibited, healthy, best version of yourself. A well-prescribed remedy or series of remedies can free you from these old inhibiting ways of being, feeling, and operating.
Adding Homeopathy to coaching is a powerful way to gain insight, tools, and distinctions around all aspects of your life and health.

What Patients are Saying
Brooke Z.,
Avoided Eye Surgery
I had a cyst in my eye that doctors wanted to remove surgically. To avoid that terrifying thought, I went to Marianne and she gave me a remedy that not only shrunk the cyst within a week, but also helped get rid of some toxic thoughts that were circling in my head that I haven't had in a very long time which was also a sign of my eye symptom. I'm always in awe at the process of homeopathy and I wouldn't choose anyone else to take care of my family. If you're looking for a holistic way to care for your health, try Wimberley Valley Naturopathic!
Tamar S.,
Hormone Issues, Pain
and Inflammation
I never give 5 stars because I think we should always leave room for improvement. If I did give 5, I would have here. Marianne Calvanese, has helped me so much with hormone issues, low energy, mental fog, pain and inflammation. I had an impeccable diet and health routine and just couldn't get my body to respond. After guidance on choosing the right homeopathic remedy, everything started moving in the right direction. Ive never had such good energy and mental clarity. Ive lost some weight and my pain and inflammation are improving each week. If you are interested in what homeopathy can do for you, Marianne Calvanese is a Bastyr U. trained Naturopath, specializing in Homeopathy and her 30 years experience really makes all the difference!
Dr. S. Olsen.,
Extremely Thorough
Dr. Calvanese is extremely thorough in her diagnosis. I highly recommend her for homeopathy and naturopathic medicine.