Naturopathy in Wimberley
Serving Austin and the Hill Country
Virtual Appointments Available
Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

The Healing Power of Nature
Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) believe that the natural state of the body is to be healthy. The body and mind are always moving toward health and wellness via an innate power to heal and rebalance. As ND's we use safe and effective approaches to powerfully enhance and stimulate this inner capacity to heal.
Identify and Treat the Root Cause
NDs recognize and understand that symptoms will return unless the root cause of the illness or imbalance is addressed. Rather than suppress or cover up the symptoms (as is common with pharmaceuticals), NDs recognize that the root cause must be addressed. Identifying these deeper levels of causality and addressing them on that level brings the most profound and lasting healing.
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We use low-risk methods and medicinal substances which minimize the chance for any harm to be done. For example, our botanical, nutritional and homeopathic therapies are free of toxicity and do not have side effects.
Do No Harm
NDs follow these 3 precepts to ensure that the people we work with are not harmed:
We avoid the suppression of symptoms. Symptoms are often the body’s attempt to heal itself and are an expression of it’s innate intelligence. If symptoms are suppressed there may be a risk for prolonging the disease and/or a worsening of health.
We customize our therapies, respecting and acknowledging the individual’s needs rather than a one-size-fits-all kind of approach. Personalized therapy not only minimizes harm, but maximizes effectiveness.
Doctor as Teacher
NDs believe that doctors must be educators as well as physicians. We teach people how they can attain more vibrant health through adopting a more natural lifestyle, eating a healthy diet, exercising and regularly regenerating themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. We encourage self-responsibility and work closely with people to support and educate.
Address the Whole Person
NDs recognize and honor the individuality of each person and respond accordingly. As Naturopathic Doctors, we recognize your unique physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, sexual, and spiritual aspects, how they are interrelated, and how they affect your health and well-being. We look at the “whole” picture of you as a human being and not just in terms of separate parts or singular illnesses.
Prevention of Illness
NDs evaluate one’s risk factors, heredity, tendencies, and vulnerability to disease. By embracing a health-enhancing lifestyle and diet and using natural medicine when needed, greater wellness is possible, and you are less likely to develop future illnesses.

What Patients are Saying
Elise W.,
Listens Without Judgment!
She is a wonderful doctor, and will help you to the fullest. She will listen to you open-heartedly, and not pass judgement. I love that since every other professional person I have gone to did pass judgement. I only wish I lived closer so I could go as often as needed.
Lois P.,
Decades of Misdiagnosis Resolved
After many years of being treated by multiple physicians (one for every organ, it seemed), I finally found a health practitioner who makes sense. Dr. Marianne Calvanese is a naturopathic physician who specializes in treating the whole person, finding out the cause of problems rather than just treating the symptoms. She is a warm, friendly, nurturing, and nonjudgmental practitioner who provides nutritional advice and life coaching in addition to homeopathic and herbal remedies as amazingly effective alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs. In the nearly 2 years I have been seeing her, she has helped wean me off many of my expensive prescription drugs while replacing them with more effective natural remedies, recommended dietary changes which have resulted in lowering my blood sugar and cholesterol to normal levels, diagnosed gluten intolerance which finally explains decades of misdiagnosed symptoms (irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, etc.) and treatments with drugs which only covered up the symptoms while doing nothing to cure or even identify the real problem. In addition, she compassionately supported me through major and ongoing family crises for which I am eternally grateful. When the most you can get from a traditional medical doctor is a 15 minute appointment and a prescription, it is a relief to find someone like Dr. Marianne who has made such a huge difference in my health and improved the quality of my life.
Shelly L.,
Damn Good Advice
Marianne is a great resource, she has helped my family with being our primary health advisor for my grandson but also is an amazing listener and gives darn good advice! This was our first experience with a naturopathic approach and we are very pleased.